Sunday, August 9, 2015

The pro-abortions and their heart of lead

"It’s deeply disturbing to look across the border and see how cavalierly the health and safety of American women are being tossed aside. The debate currently raging in the U.S. around reproductive health care just serves to reaffirm a sad truth: that for many people, the health and safety of women simply do not matter. To the Republican politicians who have made defunding Planned Parenthood a priority, it seems women’s lives and bodies are mere tools for inciting easy political and moral outrage."
The "health and safety of American women are being tossed aside"? What about the health and safety of the children they're carrying? What about the children being killed in their mother's womb for the sake of "reproductive choice"?

The pro-abortions are pathetic. As Carly Fiorina says: “Oh, please! Oh, please.”

And oh. It's also "excellent news" that we can now use the "gold standard" of killing pre-born children with pills. How awesome is that?
"In light of all this, it’s easy to look at the state of reproductive health in Canada and feel a comparative sense of pride. Just recently, it was announced that RU-486, or Mifegymiso, a drug widely considered the “gold standard” of medical abortions, will be available as early as January 2016. This is excellent news; the drug could play an enormous part in making abortion accessible and safe, especially for women who live in communities where access to clinics and abortion services is either difficult to obtain or (as is the case in Prince Edward Island) completely nonexistent."
Do these people ever listen to themselves? Do they have a heart at all or is it made of lead?

These people are so blinded by their "reproductive choice" pro-death agenda that they have no idea that other tiny defenseless human beings are being sacrificed at their altar of abortion. They're blinded, or more probably, they just don't care.


  1. People are going to get abortions, whether you like it or not, so why not make them safe and more accessible? Rather than potentially risking the health and safety of the woman carrying the fetus, by them taking whatever they can get.

    What about the tiny defenceless humans that are already here? there are plenty of children that would benefit from this time and energy. Or do you stop caring about them after they've been birthed?

    I think it's more of a "it's not my body, so I'm not going to make choices for you" kind of mentality, rather than being blinded by a reproductive choice pro death agenda kind of thing.

  2. “People are going to get abortions, whether you like it or not, so why not make them safe and more accessible? Rather than potentially risking the health and safety of the woman carrying the fetus, by them taking whatever they can get.”

    In some cultures female genital mutilation is legal and practiced whether you like it or not. Should I therefore also support this practice?

    “What about the tiny defenceless humans that are already here? there are plenty of children that would benefit from this time and energy. Or do you stop caring about them after they've been birthed?”

    There are about 100,000 pre-born children killed every year in Canada through abortion. There are nowhere near that number of post-born children killed every year. Therefore because of the scale of death through abortion, my energies are focused there. In any event, why would you think I stop caring about children after they are born?

    “I think it's more of a "it's not my body, so I'm not going to make choices for you" kind of mentality, rather than being blinded by a reproductive choice pro death agenda kind of thing. “

    If you witnessed a defenseless adult being killed, and it was within your power to do something to prevent that killing, would you still say “it's not my body, so I'm not going to make choices for you"? Because this is what is happening when we witness the killing of a defenseless pre-born child through abortion and do nothing about it.
